Our Members are the lifeline of TILT’s creative community! Image-making doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it takes everyone: enthusiasts, patrons, lifelong learners, families, and artisans. Becoming a TILT member allows you to participate in exclusive exhibition opportunities, attend member events, receive discounts on services, be featured in our member spotlight, and more!
Membership is fully tax deductible. Your support makes it possible for us to offer free programming & exhibitions, youth education, and discounted classes/workshops.
In order to be more inline with our Community Agreement we have implemented a pricing model that allows us to offer our benefits and services to more artists. This is but one step in our journey to become more equitable. In short, we invite everyone to self-identify their giving capacity and pay what they can afford. The sustainer tier creates a cushion for those with less financial freedom, the standard tier reflects our standard yearly rate, and the discount tier supports those with extenuating fiscal responsibilities.
Or $40 / month
Or $20 / month
Or $10 / month
Or $5 / month
Current member? Log in here to view your current membership, change your payment plan, or manage account.