TILT Institute for the Contemporary Image

Cityscapes at Night – Classroom

October 7 – November 4, 2021
Thursdays, 6:30PM - 9:30PM EST

Photographing cityscapes at night can be exciting and challenging, but in our course students will learn new techniques to help make the process easier. Half of the class will be spent photographing around Center City at night and the other half will be working on post-production techniques in the PPAC classroom. Students will need their own tripod and have a basic knowledge of photo editing software. Experience in Photoshop is suggested, but not required. 

Non-Member: $300

Standard Member: $270

Enhanced Member: $240

Friend: $225

The class will be held in PPAC’s classroom, which is located in the Crane Art Building;

1400 N. American St.

Philadelphia, PA 19122

Courses Calendar