TILT Institute for the Contemporary Image
Insider News

Education @ PPAC

January 16, 2020

Fostering the study of contemporary photography

For the past 10 years, we have fostered the study, practice, and appreciation of contemporary photography. Our educational curriculum pushes students to challenge themselves as they learn from experts in the field.

A Philadelphia-based advocate for cultivating a vibrant and influential contemporary photography community, we offer continuing education for professionals and beginners alike. You can choose from a diverse slate of classes and workshops, offered year-round. 

For people who are interested in a greater commitment and a comprehensive mastery of photography, we offer the Contemporary Practices Photography Certificate Program. If you’re willing to experiment and challenge yourself while trying new ways of working with photography, this program — which is both comprehensive and customizable — is for you.

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Brent Reaney

The PPAC Contemporary Practices Certificate Program was invaluable to the development of my practice technically, artistically, and commercially,” said Brent Reaney, who completed the program in April 2019. 

My next step is an MFA, and I can confidently say I would never have been admitted without the program.

Brent Reaney

Interacting with a wide range of instructors and mentors, as well as a community of enthusiastic students, helped me develop my style and achieve my goals,” Reaney said. “My next step is an MFA, and I can confidently say I would never have been admitted without the program.

Taking a minimum of twelve courses over as many as four years, students work at their own pace towards a holistic understanding of photography, taking courses in lighting, printing, business and career development, and so much more.

Students may focus on specific areas like fashion or portraiture. Each student chose a mentor/advisor from a qualified, committed staff of teaching artists as they finalize a body of work. Each student ends the program with an artist lecture and exhibition at PPAC, in a space where internationally recognized artists are exhibited.

Learn More + Register Meet Our Graduates

We strive to offer something for everyone.

In an ever-more visual culture, photography is a critical form of communication. Digital photography is a democratic form that can be practiced by nearly everyone, more easily than ever before. But with a deeper understanding of the medium, the act of creating and considering photography is more enriching and satisfying.

We believe that photography can change how we think, how we see, and how we experience the world. We encourage you to explore the other opportunities we offer.

Our roster of affordable classes and workshops are open to everyone; we offer single-day intensive workshops, as well as multi-week classes throughout the week to accommodate people’s schedules.

From beginner’s courses that offer the basics of using a digital camera, to deep dives into genre and conceptual approaches, to classes covering exhibition and publication strategies, we offer.something for people of all levels of experience.

We look forward to continuing cultivating artists for another 10 years and more!